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high-vibration energy and harmonization works, tailor-made according to individual needs and wishes

Dear friends, if you are looking for something EXCEPTIONAL to your home or you are thinking about what an extraordinary SURPRISE GIFT your loved ones, family, grandparents, wife, husband, your children, girlfriend, boyfriend, ..... newlyweds, acquaintances, ... or even myself ... at CHRISTMAS, WEDDING, BAPTISM, BIRTHDAY .... or other important days or simply out of love, gratitude, for pleasure ....

Reach out for the original idea and choose a UNIQUE ART - MAGIC MANDAL, with LOVE made to measure for everyone❤️

PERSONAL, FAMILY, PARTNER, WEDDING MANDALS, ....... CORPORATE, .... mandalas by date of birth and name, by sign, .... mandalas for children in the room, .... mandalas LOVE, HAPPINESS , HEALTH, ..., Abundance of everything, HARMONY, ...... mandalas to protect, promote mental balance, love life, but also mandalas to attract wealth, prosperity, success or career support ....... ... simply mandalas to "measure" according to what one needs for life, what one desires ....... in different colors and sizes ........

   do not hesitate to contact me for more information on creation:



... high-vibrationional energetic and harmonizing artworks

Dear friends, artcollectors and artlovers, if you are looking for something EXCEPTIONAL for your home or you are thinking about what an extraordinary SURPRISE GIFT you present to your loved ones, your family, grandparents, wife, husband, your children, girlfriend, boyfriend, ..... newlyweds, familiar friends ... or even to yourself ... for CHRISTMAS, B-DAY, WEDDING, DAY, BIRTHDAY, ... or any other important days, anniverseries, .... or simply just from love, gratitude, pleasure ....

Reach for this original idea and choose a UNIQUE ARTWORK - MAGIC MANDALA created with love❤️

PERSONAL, FAMILY, PARTNER, WEDDING MANDALAs ...... mandalas created by date of birth and name, by zodiac signs, .....

MANDALAs of LOVE, HAPPINESS, HEALTH, HARMONY, .... WEALTH & ABUNCANCE, ......... mandalas created for protection, to support in various areas of human life .... simply mandalas "tailor-made "according to individual needs, wishes and desires, ........ in various colors and sizes .......

for additional info don hest hesitate to contact me:

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  © copyright Jarka Fox

  This page, all artworks, photos, images and texts

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